What was your job prior to taking the course?
Assistant Manager in a retail shop
Since taking the course what is your job now?
I am now an Office Administrator at University of London since September 2015
Why did you decide on course?
After 5 years in retail, I wanted to get a career in an office
What Souters Course have you successfully completed?
Did you enjoy the course?
Yes very much.
How has the course benefited you?
I gained confidence, a professional attitude and knowledge of the various subjects covered especially IT and organising travel which is needed in present job
Were you able to get a job following the course?
I was able to get a job before I had even finished the course. I was actually still doing the last stages of IT and typing training
What do you advise someone who is considering taking the course?
Get the PA / Secretary Diploma, the interviewers always need too see that you have your Diploma. Souters PA / Secretary Diploma also includes IT Certificates which are always asked for by an interviewer.
What are your future aspirations in your career?
Move within the company as the salary and benefits are excellent
Would you consider taking another course to further your career?
Yes, possibly AAT Bookkeeping Courses
Prior to the course did you apply for jobs?
Yes I did, I actually sent out numerous CVs before the course and had no invites for an interview.
Did the course change your career prospects?
After the PA / Secretary Course and whilst still completing typing skills and IT training, I had 2 job offers after taking 2 interviews and interview tests.